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Advantages of hair stem cell transplantation


The HST transplant technique, which means hair stem cell transplantation, has a number of unique advantages. This technique is very different than any known hair transplantation techniques.

Instead of taking entire follicular units from the donor zone and moving them to the receptor zone, as with other techniques. follicular units are multiplied, causing them to regrow into the donor area. It’s a great advantage for the patient. After approximately 9 months, the donor area is reconstituted and thus potentially reusable for further intervention.

Several benefits of hair stem cell transplantation technique

The benefits of this technique go beyond regenerating the donation area. It is worth mentioning that, since this operation is carried out with needles that are extremely small compared to those used for blood tests, not provocating any scars. And no spots can be seen in the donor area. Another advantage is that this technique does not need to be bandaged. At the end of the procedure, the patient can then be immediately operational in their job or in their activities.

How is the hair stem cell transplantation technique

This is how is applied in the operation day. By removing part of the follicular unit with microsurgical surgery, the surgeon divides the follicular unit, the object of the operation, into two parts. Both parts contain hair stem cells, which are like seeds from a plant. Every part in which the follicular unit has been divided makes it possible to reproduce the same follicular unit of origin. Thus, within 9 months, the follicular units of the donor zone are reconstituted exactly as before the surgery. In the receiving area, the transplanted part of the follicle unit regenerates in a similar manner. Cloning in vivo into a new double follicular unit of the original unit.

The technology of hair stem cell transplantation is optimal for young people

It is the only technique suitable for very young patients. In fact, a young patient may have a start of alopecia which can continue to progress throughout his life. If we use the FUE technique for transplants in young patients, while alopecia continues, the patient will quickly find himself with no donor zone available for other transplants. In other words,with HST we don’t have this phenomenon because the regenerated donor area offers a full capital of follicular units available for new interventions. This allows the patient to deal with the situation for which a new procedure should be required.

Hair stem cell transplant technique is expensive

The HST technique, however, is a very laborious technique, which requires great accuracy on the part of surgeons who have to be trained with extremely long and heavy stages. That naturally comes with costs. And the prize of the intervention reflect all the above mentioned costs. Patients will realize that Hair stem cell transplantation, is a technique among the best of what surgery can provide. Instead, we need to be careful that the adjacent follicular units cannot be taken, to avoid damaging the adjacent follicular unit. It limits the number of grafts that can be extracted in the donor area, or else the regrowth phenomenon can be compromised.

Unlimited possibility of intervention with the HST technique

In the case of a HST hair graft, at best, 1800 2200 partial grafts can be removed. Which, after the regrowth period, will become approximately twice. But the same procedure can be repeated several times, so this is a great advantage compared to what other techniques offer.

Nonpainful extractions without marks and scars

When a partial follicular unit is removed, it is immersed in a growth factor compound because the transplant is extremely thin. It grows stronger and fertilised because of this bath. The devices used for these procedures are specifically designed for patient comfort. The local anaesthesia instrument injects a continuous flow of anaesthesia, which greatly reduces the painful sensation that is caused differently by the syringes. The needles are extremely small, ranging from 0.6mm for extractions to 0.5mm for implants. These needles leave no marks on the head following removal or implantation.

Treatment Day

The procedure is realised in one full day: First thing in the morning, we realise the shaving of the head of the patient. And then anaesthesia is applied. The extraction process starts and continues throughout the morning. After that, we have a lunch break. In the afternoon, the patient will undergo the transplant phase: the doctor creates numerous small holes in the receptor area, considering the inclinations and direction of growth of the hair. The plastic surgeon draws the implantation following the form of the face of the patient and the various grafts are implanted on the patient’s skull considering these criteria. The post-surgery process is very simple. On day four, the patient can take a shower and wear a hat.

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